Hsinchu Living Museum

國立交通大學 應用藝術研究所 教授 / 六燃計畫總主持人
By Wen-Shu Lai, Professor, Chief Project Director
Institute of Applied Arts, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

原日本海軍第六燃料廠新竹支廠 3D動畫

活隱喻,活博物館:朝向六燃「新竹生博物館」之路 (arthistorystrolls.com)

由交大於2018年起所推動執行的「新竹生博物館」(Hsinchu Living Museum)計劃,源自於教育部深耕計畫中「藝術製作與社會介入」這一區塊,是一個前導、具前瞻性的實驗計畫。交大的六燃團隊為了讓社會大眾瞭解「原日本海軍第六燃料廠新竹支廠」的二戰工業遺構內容、文史的完整意義,希望在城市歷史、文化空間與生態的保存前提下,也能同時於人文、藝術、生態與科技的異域結盟運作下進行活化,形成活博物館之典範。


1. 1943-1945: 日治時期 / 日本海軍第六燃料廠,是台灣少數僅存二戰時期軍事工業遺跡。
2. 1946-1957: 工程聯隊時期 / 國民政府撤退來台後的傷兵療養所,以及軍隊操練所。
3. 1957-2013: 眷村時期 / 具「樓中屋」特色之重要眷村遺構。為全台稀有,同時結合戰爭、科技與眷村文化之歷史建築。
4. 2010-至今: 文化園區規劃期 / 2010年由新竹市政府正式登錄為歷史建築。2013年開始啟動了為保存新竹六燃所推動的新竹六燃文化園區/博物館,也是交大所期待和努力的「新竹生博物館」(Hsinchu Living Museum)

跨域整合呼應教育部目前正在積極推動的高教理念,此時交大展開新竹六燃實踐計劃,結合六燃在地場域與交大的教學現場,展開社區關懷實踐與相關研究,深化大學與所在城鎮的聯結關係,是有其實質意義與重要性的。交大六燃團隊以最謙虛的態度,誠懇地宣告:我們以六燃歷史為場幕,跨域藝術與智慧科技為景,邀請大家一起投入這場空前的歷史穿越劇,在省思與實踐中,攜手齊心為新竹催生一座蘊含人文視域、智慧科技、永續生態精神的「新竹生博物館」—— Hsinchu Living Museum!

Launched and coordinated by the NCTU since 2018, the “Hsinchu Living Museum” is an ongoing initiative within the framework of “artistic production and social intervention” partially under the Higher Education Sprout Project administered by the Ministry of Education. This initiative is intended to preserve and revitalize the historical Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory, a WWII industrial relic.
The “Hsinchu Living Museum” is a trail-blazing, forward-looking and experimental project. Apart from deepening the public understanding of the WWII industrial relic of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory and the entire process of its cultural and historical construction, the NCTU team also tries to identify with the unrivalled cultural heritage of this historic relic and perceive the significance and historical value of Taiwan’s sacrifice during the Second World War. In the course of collaboration between the NCTU and its partners, we cordially invite the public to take part in and keep up with our follow-up planning for the Sixth Fuel Factory, and meanwhile share our vision of turning it into a cultural park and a museum.

It is an imperative to preserve this former fuel factory in Hsinchu and transform it into the “Hsinchu Living Museum,” because the fuel factory had gone through four historical phases:

(1)1943-1945—The Imperial Japanese Navy’s Fuel Factory is one of the few remaining WWII military-industrial relics;
(2)1946-1957—A KMT Military Medical Center for soldiers. It is a rare complex preserving the legacies of war, technology, and military dependents’ housing culture;
(3)1957-2013—Military dependents’ housing and veteran. It is a historic site of military dependents’ housing characterized by “embedded apartment” and “roofless attic”;
(4)2013-current—It is registered as a historic building by the Hsinchu City Government in 2010. Now the NCTU team of “Hsinchu Living Museum” is devoted to the preservation and revival of this historic site.

Can the preservation and regeneration of the history, cultural space and ecology of a city be possible, or even become a paradigm, through the transdisciplinary alliance among humanities, arts, ecology and technology? Such transdisciplinary integration also echoes the higher education philosophy actively advocated and promoted by the Ministry of Education at the present time. The project on the fuel factory undertaken by the NCTU is ergo substantial and significant, for it blends this local arena with the NCTU campus, embarks on social care and related research, and strengthens the connections between the universities and the towns that accommodate them.
Treating this factory’s history as the scene and transdisciplinary art and smart technology as the stage setting, we cordially invite you to partake in this unprecedented time-travel drama, in which we can give birth to the Hsinchu Living Museum, a growing organism exemplifying the fusion of humanistic horizons, smart technology and ecological sustainability, with caring, contemplative and praxis-based efforts!

About the Hsinchu Living Museum



交大跨領域藝術團隊 聚焦在催生「新竹生博物館」的使命下,同時提出一個能夠孕育並催生出六燃「新竹生博物館」藝術實踐路徑與行動的方法論。陸續於2019年陸續推出「六燃文件展」(2019/6/6~7/9)、「六燃國際互動劇場」(2019/11/15~11/17),和「六燃成果展與藝術展演」(2019/12/7~12/22),這些具體行動與產出,都是交大六燃博物館團隊的核心任務與自我期許。[1]

[1] 賴雯淑,文字節錄自《活隱喻,活博物館:朝向六燃「新竹生博物館」之路》一文。原刊載於中央大學 漫遊藝術史 部落格 
