《靈魂印記✕歷史軌跡》(Imprints of Soul.Tracks of History)特別邀請了八年來(2011~2019)前後使用「光桌說故事」的方式進行創作的應藝所校友與應屆研究生,於10月3日晚上7:30(四)一起回到交大演藝廳,分享新舊交融的光桌作品。
“Imprints of Soul.Tracks of History” is an innovative storytelling live performance by the alumni and the current graduate students of the Institute of Applied Arts, NCTU who invent and use the multimedia light table to tell stories since 2011 till now. The storytellers interact with the images using real-time projection from a light table combined with animation, live storytelling, music and etc.
This allows the storytellers, as well as the audience, to meander through memories, imagination, and life journeys. During the storytelling and performing process, together we construct a hybrid of visuals, sounds and temporality in which we join a journey of meaning construction and mutual understanding.
2019.10.03(Thu.)19:30 演出
國立交通大學演藝廳 新竹市大學路1001號
National Chiao Tung University Music Performance Hall
1001 University Road, Hsinchu
製作團隊|Production Teams
交大跨領域藝術團隊 transArt NCTU