Educational Workshops
for the Bat Ecology Conservation


Since 2018 at the site of the former Sixth Fuel Factory, the team has not only organized various educational and promotional events to spread correct knowledge of bats among the public, but also displayed bat specimens and related information. With the creation of the LINE group “Asian parti-colored bats at the Big Chimney,” we share knowledge of bats and event information with the public, and regularly update the bat population data. Through this platform, the public can also proactively ask questions at any time and report bats in need of rescue in the Hsinchu area. In addition to fostering a sense of security among people who live with bats in the city, this project further considers how to respect the survival needs of different species during urban development, and how to take bat conservation to the level of civic practice. The team has hung bat boxes to expand the bat habitat in response to the shrinking bat population caused by the renovation of the Big Chimney Factory Base. The real-time monitoring systems also enable scholars and citizens who are concerned about the bats to observe their living and reproductive situations in the chimney at any time.

另外,本團隊固定於霜毛蝙蝠造訪大煙囪的3-9月間舉辦霜毛蝠觀察家、霜毛蝠保母、霜毛蝠救傷、蝙蝠巢箱製作等系列工作坊,並進行蝙蝠觀測與數蝙蝠的活動。透過實際接觸,使周遭居民與附近校園師生建立對蝙蝠的正確認知:「蝙蝠不但無害,甚至還能幫助環境的改善」,建立對多元物種的理解與尊重,討論如何與不同型態的物種永續共存,實踐聯合國永續發展目標的 SDG15 保育陸域生態。

In addition, the team annually holds a series of workshops and bat observation and counting events between March and September when Asian parti-colored bats visit the Big Chimney. The actual contact enables the residents, teachers and students in the vicinity to correctly understand that “not only are bats harmless, but they can help improve the environment.” Thus, different species are treated with respect and sustainable coexistence is discussed.


